Yahoo hack proves secure applications are the future of email


email hack

So, every single Yahoo email account in the world has been hacked in the biggest publicly disclosed data breach of all time. That’s all three billion accounts in its services, and yes, that means yours too.

The hack shines an industrial level floodlight on the insecurity of public email providers because, simply put, user security is not their top priority. Generating traffic and clicks to the page which translates into ad revenue, and gathering personalized data on users for targeting advertising are the reasons most email providers exist.

When connecting to your email through your web browser hackers can access the browser because it is not secure. On top of that, add-ons like Flash, Java, and JavaScript, as well as pop-ups and ads, open other security leaks where hackers can sneak in and access your private accounts. Think of your web interface as a house. If you have no windows in that house no one can climb in though an opening, if you have several windows, you better hope they’re securely locked.

“Reducing the entrances to your house diminishes the chances of a break in,” explained Oliver Wessling, Director of NOS Microsystems, “If you really want security when transferring files and messages connect through a secure app rather than a web interface,” explained Since 2006, NOS Microsystems has been devising secure electronic software distribution and cloud services tools for all platforms. Private messaging apps BotherU&Me and LoveNotes allow users to send encrypted messages, and the new cloud service and messaging app, Get2Clouds looks set to be a game changer in online security. It allows the fast and secure end-to-end encrypted transfer of large files and messages.

“The future of private emails is in using secure applications,” continued Oliver. “Our new product Get2Clouds is the culmination of more than 10 years expertise in the area of online security. Data is the new oil, yet people give it away freely online. We want to give people their intellectual property back. We encourage them to take it back with this free app.”

Remember the “Macs don’t get viruses” mantra? Well, it’s never been more wrong

2020-02-19 Wed
Apple not so secure
Historically, malware was never much of an issue with Macs because hackers had no interest making viruses that affected Steve Jobs’ delicious Apples. No, they only wanted to break the Windows of old man Gates. Well, those are well and truly bygone days of yore as a newly published report by Malwarebytes reveals that Mac threats have increased by a staggering 400% from 2018 to 2019, outpacing Windows by nearly two to one in threats per endpoint.